Friday, May 7, 2010

Top Blog of the Week!

I am hanging out today at Speaking From the Crib where the awesomest Kelly has named me the top blog of the week!

Please click on the link above and give her a visit!

Kelly is a great blogger and a really good friend. Check out her blog and leave her some love, and follow if you aren't already!

Now I have to go and try to continue dealing with trying to get some disability benefits. I really cannot afford to be out of work for six weeks without any money coming in. I just got off the phone with the Social Security Administration to find that they will not be able to help me at all. Which I find very interesting because I pay into my social security account every week when I get paid. So technically isn't that money mine? I guess not. Apparently I need to be out of work for a year before I can see any of those benefits. This is not making me happy and I really have no idea what to do now. Hopefully the internet will point me in the right direction.


JennyMac said...

Congrats! I will go over and check it out. :)

SurferWife said...

Congrats on being the Top Blog!

And what a pain in the ass. As if you need the added stress.

The Only Girl said...

Yay for Top Blog! Congrats!

Boo for Social Security.

Jane said...

Did Leland specify if world peace could be achieved through all women being naked...or just hot ones?

RN Mama said...

As far as disability goes, the social security type is more for "long term" and it is very very hard to get on that! Short term disability benefits (which is what you need) are usually provided/offered through your employer...or purchased as a secondary insurance like Aflac. I'm not sure if that makes sense?

Cathy said...

Yay for being top blog at SFTC!!

Did you really think that Social Security money was yours?! psssht. I think it's bogus that we even have to pay into it anymore. We all know we're not going to ever see that money, it'll be long gone by the time we retire.

Hope you figure something else out!

Samantha said...

Aw, congrats! I'll have to go check it out!

foxy said...

Oh, man I wish I knew what to suggest for money. I would be screwed too if I wasn't able to work.

Aunt Juicebox said...

Good luck with the financial situation. My mom called SS to see if they could get my dad some disability or even just Medicare a year early, and they told her that "just because he had a stroke, doesn't mean he's disabled." Well. What exactly does it mean then? So yeah, good luck.

Elle said...

Social Security is a ridiculous racket! My nephew didn't get any death benefits when my sister died, because though she contributed, she didn't have a long enough work history and hadn't contributed enough. I hope you're able to get help find a solution!

Leland's solution for world peace is interesting for sure. I wonder how many women would agree to walking around nekkid for the sake of world peace?

Vanessa said...

Congratulations! And I hope you get everything figured out soon!

And Then Kate said...

First, congrats.

Second, how infuriating about the SS. Here's hoping some disability benefits kick in through your job?

Kim said...

That is horrible! I hate that money that you now have the added stress to the whole broken pelvis situation of having to figure out a way to survive financially for six weeks. Social Security seems to be giving you the choice of paying your bills of healing properly. It needs to be reworked! I hope someone has some sort of an answer for you!

And congrats on being named top blog of the week!!

Macey said...

Congrats!! I love you and Kelly!

Liz Mays said...

Congrats on the feature and I hope you find the answers to your SS problems!

MrsBlogAlot said...

You go top blog lady! Awesome!!

The Random Blogette said...

Way to go girl! So is it all women walking around naked? I don't know if he would really want to see just any naked woman! I frequent the YMCA and have seen a bevy of naked women. Sometimes I get nightmares. I don't even like to see myself naked!

Damn Social Security.

Intense Guy said...

Hope ya got some support...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being top blog!

Hope you were able to figure something out.

Holly Lefevre said...

Yippeee...congrats to you!

I can only imagine the trouble the SSA and whoever else you need to talk to for benefits is going to bring you...give them hell! I have never quite understood the whole.."yes you have been paying in, but we cannot help you ...for whatever reason!"

LC @ Old House Now said...
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