Please stick around after the list because I have an award to pass on, as well as something fun to giveaway! My first giveaway ever! I hope you enjoy the party!
100 things that you probably had no interest in knowing but I am telling you anyway:
1. I am the self-proclaimed best parallel parker in the world.
2. Uptown Girl by Billy Joel will always be on my top 5 list of favorite songs.
3. I once danced with Leland to I Believe in Life After Love by Cher at a gay bar in New Orleans. Until a guy pushed me out of the way and started dancing with Leland.
4. I am the middle child.
5. I chased Leland for 6 months before he agreed to date me.
6. I broke my tail bone 3 times.
7. I love public speaking. Put me in front of a million people who want to (or have to) listen to what I have to say and I would be giddy with delight.
8. I am a Polish girl.
9. I have 4 tattoos.
10. I love Harry Connick, Jr….
11. …and Memphis Belle.
12. I don’t believe in sending greeting cards. I think they are the biggest waste of 3 dollars ever.
13. Though I will send out Valentine’s Day cards to everyone I know. Everyone likes getting a card on Valentine’s Day. If you want me to send you one, email me your address and I’ll add it to my list!
14. I love brownies.
15. I suck at doing yard work.
16. I was a Girl Scout for an embarrassingly long amount of time,
17. but I loved every minute of it.
18. I love reading about fisherman, whether it be Alaskan crab, Maine lobster, sea or small lake, I think it is so interesting.
19. I love to sing out loud with the windows down and get strange looks from people in other cars.
20. I have a BA in English from Roosevelt University in Chicago.
21. I was the first woman in my family to graduate from college.
22. I once went to San Francisco simply because I wanted to have dinner at my favorite restaurant. I live in Illinois.
23. I’m really good at the game Battleship.
24. I will not play the game Cranium. Every time I play it, it ends in a fight. So I stopped playing.
25. I love the TV show Friends. I am married to Monica. Though I would compare Leland to Monica, he never believed how similar they were until I got him to sit down and watch all 10 seasons with me. Now he sees what I am talking about.
26. I bruise like a peach. A little thing like a whack from the dog’s tail will leave a bruise that will last 10 days.
27. I’m solar-powered. I do not function well on cloudy days.
28. I love wine. All kinds of wine.
29. I have worked with animals for 12 years.
30. When I’m at my day job, I hardly do any work at all. I am quite the slacker who spends most of my time blogging.
31. I play piano.
32. I love the water so much that I think I was a water mammal in a past life…if I believe in past lives. I still haven’t decided.
33. When I see water, I have to drink it or touch it. If I hear water, I have to see it, drink it or touch it. Just typing this is making me reach for my water cup.
34. One day I’ll have a pond in my backyard so I can swim on every single beautiful day.
35. I am very opinionated. So opinionated that sometimes people don’t want to talk to me.
36. I have expensive taste but don’t have the money to support it.
37. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand is my favorite book.
38. It is because of this book that I am no longer a “yes” girl.
39. Now I say “no” so much that plenty of people think I do it on purpose just so I can be disagreeable.
40. I hate having plans on Sundays. Leland and I like to have Sundays free to do whatever we want and not have to worry about other commitments.
41. My favorite holiday is apple picking in the fall with my family. Though I am only 28, it has been a family tradition for 30 years.
42. I make the world’s best chili. Just ask Leland.
43. I love to bake and then give away the yummy treats.
44. I was a “good” girl for most of my life. I didn’t do the typical teenage rebellion until after high school.
45. I participated in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. It was awesome and I would do it again if I knew I would be able to raise the required $2200 for a second time.
46. I love the Archie comic books.
47. And was upset to find out that Archie is proposing to Veronica.
48. I love getting the wave from other motorcyclists when I am on my bike.
49. The first concert I went to was New Kids on the Block when I was in fourth grade (I think).
50. I also went and saw them with my sisters last October. It was fun but super cheesy.
51. I have a weird obsession with veins. Maybe it’s because of all of the blood draws that I do from working with animals. Whenever I see someone with veins that pop out, I have to fight the urge to poke it. Leland has awesome jugular veins, and since he is really the only person whose veins I can poke, I poke it all the time. I like the way they bounce.
52. I have a very hard time keeping plants alive. Indoor or outdoor, if they need a lot, or even a little attention, it will most likely die.
53. One of the reasons Leland’s parents no longer talk to us is because I killed some of their plants. I did not do it on purpose.
54. I always wish on stars.
55. I pretty much always cry at movies, unless it’s super funny. However, even a silly RomCom will make me shed a tear or two. I am a sap.
56. Leland and I just watched I Love You, Man and I actually teared up at the end when Paul Rudd and Jason Segel were professing their love for each other. I am a sucker for a good bromance.
57. My favorite RomCom is Love Actually. It always puts me in a good mood.
58. I steal postage stamps from my work. I have been doing it for 8 years and have no plans on stopping.
59. Taking a shower is a dangerous thing for me to do. I slip in the tub at least once a week.
60. I used to have really bad road rage. I have gotten over it, but now I have serious parking lot rage.
61. I have an unhealthy obsession with brownies.
62. I am addicted to books. I cannot go into a book store without spending at least $50.
63. I love the way books smell. Whenever I pick up a book I immediately flip it open and stick my nose in it. If there was a cologne that smelled like books I would make Leland wear it.
64. I used to have an aquatic turtle that I called The Flo. She was the most expensive pet I have ever owned.
65. Tulips are my favorite flower,
66. though sunflowers come in at a close second.
67. I was a fighter when I was younger. I threw more punches in high school than most people do in their lives.
68. Over half of those punches were thrown while I was wearing my cheerleading uniform.
69. I have only punched boys who picked on me or made inappropriate comments toward me.
70. I once poisoned myself with Rhubarb. At six years old, I had no idea the leaf was poisonous. To this day I cannot eat rhubarb.
71. I am a fruit snob. I only eat apples I pick from the tree and only eat oranges if they are shipped to me from a grove in Florida.
72. I like apples but hate apple pie.
73. I don’t flush the toilet after every time I pee. I flush it about every third time. Doing this shaves $120 off of my water bill every year. Good for my pocketbook and the environment.
74. I have been to several Jimmy Buffett concerts.
75. One year my breasts were featured on
76. It was the year I went to the concert with my parents. No, they weren’t there to see me lift my shirt.
77. It bothers me when people ask me questions they already know the answer to. For instance, when I’m working at the animal clinic and my manager asks me if I’ve checked the blood pressure on Rocky yet. The answer is clearly no because I have not initialed the treatment sheet yet and you have been watching me take x-rays since you asked me to do it. If you want to remind me to do it, then simply say “don’t forget to get the BP on Rocky.” Easy enough.
78. It also bothers me when people ask me to teach them how to ride the Harley. I have only been riding for 2 months and am not qualified to teach anyone. Besides, I really don’t want you to wreck my bike. If you had your own bike to learn on, that would be a different story.
79. When a telemarketer calls at work, I like to put them on hold and see how long they will wait. The longest a telemarketer had waited was about 17 minutes.
80. Yellow was once my favorite color simply because it seemed that it was no one else’s favorite color and I felt bad for it. That’s right, I took pity on the color yellow. It grew on me and now I actually really like it though my favorite color is now green. Any shade of green.
81. I also took pity on orange Starbursts. Orange and yellow were always tossed aside for the red and pink and since I was already being nice to yellow, I decided orange would be my favorite Starburst. Again, it grew on me and it actually is my favorite now.
82. Leland and I once drove to Philly to get a cheesesteak sandwich. After hours of driving and getting sick, we headed home without ever having a cheesesteak sandwich.
83. My dog Bacchus, aka The Bachman, is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He is the best free thing I ever got. A breeder I work with at the clinic gave him to me because he is a genetic reject. He has an under bite and his back feet angle out a little.
84. He was named after the Roman god of wine and merriment.
85. He is the happiest dog in the world and I honestly think he can bring world peace.
86. After Katrina, I volunteered at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX. It was one of the centers around the area the evacuees were sent to. It was one of the most emotional events of my life.
87. While I was there I met a woman in her early 20’s whose husband abandoned her and their 3 kids right after the storm hit. I still wonder what happened to her.
88. I really like globes and maps. Don’t ask me why, I just think they are very cool.
89. Sick dogs have covered me in poop more times than I would like to admit. It’s just part of the job.
90. I was a typical girl of the ‘80s. I wore long dangly earrings, lots of blue eye shadow, tight rolled jeans, brightly colored socks and I wore my bangs standing straight up. The pictures are hilarious.
91. I love getting the mail. Though it usually contains bills, which I don’t love. But occasionally I’ll get some fun coupons or a catalog to flip through. And sometimes I’ll even get handwritten letters or cards. Remember those?
92. If I could do anything in the world and money wasn’t an issue, I would go to Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Paris.
93. I am awesome at blog stalking people.
94. I don’t like having dust on my hands. I’m okay with any other type of shmutz, but dust dries out my hands and makes them itchy. I would much rather have them covered in oil and grease.
95. I have never listened to a book on disc. I love stories and read all the time, but I like to be holding the book in front of me. While I’m driving I would much rather rock out to some music.
96. I read so much that I made myself near-sighted. This may not have happened if I listened to books on disc.
97. For my day job I work in sales. Fastener sales to be exact. To make a living I sell nuts and screws. Not very exciting. Though I do like that the boss leaves me alone and isn’t in the office very often so I can do things like write this list.
98. I am planning a trip to Hawaii approximately one year from now and I am hoping to go swimming with sharks while I am there.
99. I have never seen a sunrise.
100. I talk with my hands all the time. Even if I am on the phone. Lee once saw me riding on the back of my neighbor’s motorcycle talking with my hands. I know no one can see me, but I cannot help it. Sometimes I even talk with my hands when I am talking to myself.
WHEW!!! That was hard. Okay, enough about me! Now it's time to celebrate YOU!!!!
First an award to pass out, then a giveaway!
The award was passed on to me by Vodka Logic.

"What is a Superior Scribbler? One who employs mad skillz to communicate in this crazy, crazy world. Who pontificates, explains, memorializes & entertains. Who has a funny bone & is not afraid to use it. Whose cyber-crib we return to again & again, because it just feels right."
Below are the "rules" of the award.
**Each Superior Scribbler I name today must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
**Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
**Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains The Award.
**Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor.
**Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
I read lots of blog because they are all pretty fansmashingtastic, so choosing 5 proved to be tricky. The 5 I chose are:
Mandy's Life After 30
Steph in the City
Life As I Know It
Mean Girl Garage
Ever Thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours.
Please check out these blogs! They are so fun to read!
And finally...
The Giveaway!
Because I love all of you so much I will be giving one lucky winner this:

A Fandango Gift Card for $25! All you have to do it leave a comment on this post and I will draw a name on Monday.
In the past few months I have seen my blog get more and more readers and it is so exciting for me that all of you want to read it! Thank you so much for all of your love and support! Here's to another 100 posts!