Monday, May 3, 2010

Back in the Habit with Monday Minute.

I have been on hiatus for a while and am trying to get back in the swing of things. Since I have been broken and have been at home for the past two weeks, nothing all that interesting is happening with me. Since I want to start blogging again, I figured the easiest way to do that was to play along with Ian at The Daily Dose of Reality with his Monday Minute.

Here goes:

1 - How much would you have to be paid to eat a human cadaver's finger?

$30,000. I figure that would pay off my medical bills, student loans and all other debt except for my mortgage. I would eat a human finger to be debt free.

2 - Describe the worst physical fight you've ever been in.

I haven't really been in any fights. I have punched people plenty of times, but I was mostly defending myself from guys who thought they could touch any part of me that they wanted. They weren't really fights.

3 - Name one song that if you never heard it ever again, you'd be thrilled.

Anything by Miley Cyrus. When did she leave Disney Radio and infiltrate my regular radio stations?

4 - Describe the "drunkest" situation you've ever been.

A few years ago Leland and I went to Rocklahoma, a four day 80's hair band festival. We saw White Lion, Dokken, Skid Row, Warrant and Twisted Sister just to name a few. Anyway, there is something about 80's metal that makes me want to drink. And drink and drink and drink. I remember being out in the parking lot doing beer bongs with total strangers who had just become my best friends. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the car on the way back to the hotel. Apparently I passed out in the parking lot next to the car...only after flashing for the Howard Stern film crew and signing a release form that allowed them to use the footage.

5 - What's your biggest regret?

Getting my first credit card.

There you have it folks. Now that I can move around the house without having someone shadow me, I will be blogging more frequently and will start reading blogs again. I have no plans to catch up with everything I missed, because frankly, that is most likely impossible. Hopefully I won't have too much trouble picking up where you all left off!


Intense Guy said...

LOL @ "I'd eat a finger to be debt-free".

:) I love the way you think! Glad to see you back on your feet and getting better.

Suddenly, my breakfast plans have changed.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you're back to blogging. I hope you're doing much better!

The 80's I think just makes people want to drink. :-)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Miley is so annoying!

The Random Blogette said...

Yes! I agree with your biggest regret too! I wish I would've never got that first credit card. Still paying it off years later!

I am so glad to see you back too!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't eat a finger for less than $100,000! LOL!

I've hardly blogged lately. I'm still trying to decide what direction to take with my blog. Meh.

foxy said...

Glad to see you're back - and around the house on your own. Yay for that! There's nothing like a little independence, huh?

That 80s hair band stuff makes me laugh... I've had a time or two like that in my life.

Ian said...

That's what I'm saying. Fry that fucker on up, I'm eating it! Rocklahoma, I would love to do to that shit!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back. I hate guys who think they can grab you when you walk by, I tried turning the tables one night. I had a bit much to drink and I said I was going to grab guys as they walked by...unfortunately they liked it. LOL! That sounds like a fun concert!

Unknown said...

Ditto on the credit card thing ... although looks like a new one to pair for my hair, hu ;-)

Mandy said...

Glad you are feeling better! I hope your progress continues. Love your random list today... interesting stuff. We've probably all eaten fingers before, we just don't know it! ;-) Crazy about your Howard Stern flashing incident. Did you ever look it up to see if they used it or found it?

(oh and p.s. -- my issues are with my gallbladder. I may need to have it removed. But at least they found something and it's treatable. hopefully you and I will both be on the road to recovery soon!)

Stacyonthecouch said...

You might as well throw your mortgage in there for eating that finger ... and some money to pay off a trip you might want to take so you REALLY know it was worth it. ;)

JP said...

1 - How much would you have to be paid to eat a human cadaver's finger?

Uhhh good god... I have no idea...

2 - Describe the worst physical fight you've ever been in.

Probably 7th grade... haven't been in one since... it was in the parking lot of a bank that was in between the middle school and the Five & Dime store that we used to walk to in between school letting out and our bus coming...

3 - Name one song that if you never heard it ever again, you'd be thrilled.

Any Beach Boys song...

4 - Describe the "drunkest" situation you've ever been.

Went to a NYE party... I was double fisting champagne... then Seagrams 7 and 7... The next morning I was so hung over I couldn't leave the person's apt that I crashed at... I just kept throwing up over and over and over... and you know after the first couple of times tehre's nothing left in your stomach... so it was just bile...

5 - What's your biggest regret?

Losing my job... multiple times...

Macey said...

Dang you are cheap! 30,000 to eat a finger?
I know where to come if I ever need someone to eat a dead person's finger for me.

Tracie said...

I regret getting my first credit card, too. Did they use the footage of you on the Howard Stern show?

kristi said...

Oh I would have to ask for at least $100,000 to eat a finger. Eww.

kristi said...

Oh I forgot to say, does Miley not sound like a man??

Heather said...

I'm just stopping by for the first time and read about your injury.Ouch. I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling much better and sounds like you have a great guy taking care of you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Liz Mays said...

I totally get you with the credit card regret! Your price is way too low for the human finger. Up it!!! :)

SurferWife said...

Glad you're feeling better! And I love that you would eat a finger to be debt free.

RN Mama said...

Shut the front door, you would not eat a finger for $30,000! No, no, no!!

Oh, and #5, DITTO on that one!

Samantha said...

Ugh, I hate Miley Cyrus's songs! I'd be so happy to never hear them on the radio again!

Carma Sez said...

Did the Howard Stern footage end up on his show??? I like how they are having drunk people sign releases. Leave it to Howard to push the limits of legality.

Happy to hear you are doing better!!

MrsBlogAlot said...

If I ate four or five fingers I might get out of or eight ...well that's just gravy (-:

I'm glad you are getting better!!!

Unknown said...

Welcome back sweetie, it's great to see you!

I'd eat a finger to be debt free too - but I'd want a new car to get over the gross factor. ;o)

yellowdoggranny said...


Vanessa said...

Howard Stern? Really? I don't know whether to laugh or cry... You probably felt the same way... Welcome back!

Aubrey said...

I hate that you hurt yourself. Please get well soon!

McVal said...

I don't think I could eat a finger to be debtfree even... wow. But it would definitely make life easier... hmmmm..

I'm glad you're feeling better and up and about!

Cathy said...

This is full of awesome. I don't even know where to start. 30k?! I would need a lot more than that to eat a human. Or any human parts.

I once gave my brother a bloody nose. I think that's the worst fight I've been in. And once I threw my drink on some douchebag. He then threw his drink on me. That was a fun night.

I'm glad you are on the mend!

aladdinsane12 said...

oh my god, rocklahoma sounds EPIC! is this something that happens every year? cuz i'm going.

and i think the world in general would be better without miley cyrus. i don't want to listen to a 16 year old sing about love.

Kim said...

I keep trying to come up with how much it would take to get me to eat a human finger and I just can't do it. Debt free sounds soooooo fabulous though but I'm already a picky eater! lol. Getting my first credit card is a HUGE regret of mine too! I can't believe that they give them to 18 year olds, there is still so much control left to learn and they just allow you to dig yourself into a hole.

I have to admit thought I kind of sort of actually like Miley Cyrus. There I said it. I can't take it back now!