Friday, March 26, 2010

Tonsil Talk

A little over a year ago I fell in my driveway and hit my head twice. Once on the bumper of the car and then once on the ground. One emergency room visit and CT scan later, the doctor came in the room to tell me he found something abnormal in the scan (insert “we just knew you needed to get your head checked!” jokes).

But other than a concussion, my head was fine. The abnormality that was found was on my thyroid. The CT scan showed two nodules that were going to need to be tested. Sweet.

So I took myself to an ear, nose and throat doctor who was recommended to me by my regular doctor. After a very short wait, I was led to an exam room. Since I waited less than 5 minutes, I was already impressed. When the doctor entered the room, he was friendly and courteous and even cracked some jokes. Wow, I thought to myself, this doctor is great.

That feeling lasted less than 20 seconds. While doing a quick exam, he looked in my throat and said “Wow, those are the largest tonsils I have ever seen.” When I asked what I should do about them, he replied, “just make sure they don’t get any bigger.”


How the hell am I supposed to make sure they don’t get bigger?

Then he looked at my CT and ultrasound results and said, “The nodules are probably normal, so just make sure they aren’t growing.”

Again, HUH?

He told me to come back in three months for another thyroid ultrasound.

I left his office and immediately made an appointment with another ENT.

He did a fine needle aspirate on my thyroid nodules and everything came back normal. He said I didn’t need to worry about them unless they started causing me pain or discomfort. Great. No worries. Just what a like.

But then he told me my tonsils were the biggest he had ever seen and that they would need to come out.

That’s what I thought.

But he didn’t take them out because he isn’t a provider on my insurance.

So I still have the largest tonsils known to man.

This same doctor believes they are the cause of my sleep apnea. I guess that when I lay down, my tonsils move closer together and restrict my airway and that is why I wake up a hundred times a night gasping for air. He also said because I am not getting rest, my immune system is being compromised. Awesome. Maybe that is the reason I am feeling under the weather AGAIN.

So I have an appointment on April 7th to get the ball rolling on getting my grande-sized tonsils removed. Because a good night sleep is long overdue.


Dee said...

Make sure you get it taken care of! Sleep apnea also contributes to heart problems.

Lori said...

Doctor visits are a pain in the arse - a necessary evil. I hope the surgery helps. A good sleep can do wonders for your health and clearing out the cobwebs.

Wendy said...

Sounds like it needs to be done! I had mine out when I was 11. It's not to bad, just load up popscicles!

Good Luck

McVal said...

Keep in mind... after a tonsillectomy, you get as MUCH ice cream as you want...
Good luck!

Taylor-Made Wife said...

wow. Good luck with that. I really hope it helps you get some sleep.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I bet you will feel so much better after they are removed!

Cathy said...

When I was younger doctors used to always say "Wow, those are big, I'd love to take them out". I was like "hell no, I love my giant kick ass tonsils!" I still have mind and I actually think they are shrinking. And they don't cause me any problems, so I would guess that yours are bigger than mine. Wait, are we still talking about tonsils?

Kim said...

Good sleep is definitely important! And at least now we all know if a Dr doesn't make you wait and isn't difficult to make an appt with there is probably a reason! lol. April 7 can not come soon enough! Plus hello time off and a few days recovering on the couch while Leland waits on you hand and foot! :)

Mandy said...

The largest tonsils known to man, huh? Well that must come in handy in you and Leland's sex quest! ;-)

I'm glad you're scheduling to get them taken out though. I fully believe in listening to your body's signs of distress and getting checked out. I just had to have an abdominal ultrasound done for repeated stomach viruses and issues. I'm also having blood work done. I think it's probably nothing to be worried about. But like you said, a peace of mind and a good night's sleep... well, you can't put a price on those! So good luck to us both!

JP said...

Is this where you say something like:

"They're so big because I rock at tonsil hockey..."

The Step In Mom. . . said...

You don't realize how great a good sleep will make you feel until you have one. I hope you get this taken care of. My SS is 11 and needs his taken out, but his Mom won't authorize the surgery because she doesn't want to take the time off of work. He snores so bad, you can hear him across the house, and he sleeps like crap. He is always tired and run down.

Ally said...

Aww, sorry! Sleep apnea is no joke. I always think of that Brady Bunch episode when I think about tonsils being removed. Remember? Cindy got survived it and got to have ice cream? :)

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Frugal Vicki said...

My son had the worst sleep apnea ever, he stopped breathing 24 times an hour. tonsils...gone. Adenoids...gone. Epiglottis....clipped. Two surgeries before he was two! But guess what?! The suckers can grow back!

Dollface said...

ooo... i hope everything works out sweetie.... at least you get tons of ice cream :) xxxooo

Dual Mom said...

Get them to take out your adenoids too while they're in their. Englarged adenoids can sometimes cause apnea too.

Good luck with the surgery!

foxy said...

Dude, I've got some big ones too. (that's what she said)

Cheers lady!

SurferWife said...

i always had the urge to say, Whoa! Look at the pair of tonsils on Yankee Girl!

Now I have a feeling of redemption.

Hope it all goes smoothly from here on out.

Vanessa said...

That first doctor sounds like a real weiner... er, winner. Hope you get it all taken care of quickly!

Anonymous said...

You poor dear. Is that a day surgery? Buy ice cream and popsicles!!!!

At least you will be getting some sleep, so that is good news.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you went and got a second opinion! I bet you can't wait to finally have a good nights sleep!

Anonymous said...

That sucks, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope it goes well getting the tonsils out and maybe you can get some sleep finally :-) It's amazing how much sleep or lack of it really affects the human body!

RN Mama said...

Yes, I would say it's definitely the cause of your sleep apnea! Do you snore too?

This is gross, but my husband told me that when he had his tonsils out when he was younger the doctor told his mom that his tonsils were "rotting!" Dis.Gusting.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Definitely sounds like they need to come out...not that I'm a doctor of anything but cookies and fries but I think you'll feel much better! Best of luck!

aladdinsane12 said...

oh no! that's no fun at all. BUT at least you might be able to get some sleep AND you get to eat as much ice cream as you want afterwards!

just make sure you don't book it for huey lewis night!

Aunt Juicebox said...

Oh good, get it done! My niece needs her adenoids removed because they are enlarged, and she keeps getting sick too. She's only 6 though. =( I actually have mild sleep apnea due to a smaller than normal airway, but just a little bit.

The Only Girl said...

I bet having your tonsils out will make a HUGE difference.

I wish I could persuade my husband to get his out. Then maybe the snoring would stop and I could get some damn sleep!

Let us know how you make out.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Oh Bless You!!!! If 2 docs told me mine were the hugest...then um yea, you better get them out! Just think how great you'll feel after it's all said and done!

Anonymous said...

Well, here's hoping you get those giant tonsils out soon and you can start sleeping and feeling better.

I was going to make a tonsil hockey joke, but someone beat me to it. ;)

Rachel Cotterill said...

Incredible - I never would've guessed that tonsil size could be related to getting a good night's sleep! (but what do I know...?!) I hope they fix it for you soon :)

Macey said...

I can't comment.
Well, I am, but I shouldn't.
I had mine out when I was 30. This is all I can say.
Oh. Holy. Hell.

Anonymous said...

You will feel so much better! Boy #3 had his out last year for the same reason - when he slept he snored like a freaking buzzsaw. Now that he's had his tonsils out he's so quiet I have to shake him to make sure he's still alive.

Michelle@DomesticationoftheSingleGirl said...

Yikes, girl.

Scary stuff. You'll be fine. But still. GAH.

I HATE it when people who can't QUITE pull off the ironic sense of humor thing try to. It's just wrong. My OB-GYN was like that. Sounds like he'd be buds with your tonsil-guy.

Anonymous said...

oh wow!!

Tracy said...

love those doctors with the wonderful bedside mannner - NOT!

Anonymous said...

I had mine out when I was a kid... but yours sound scary... I think they need to be brought home after the op and kept in a jar ;0)

Carma Sez said...

fist pump - as I have joined you in the lack of sleep dept. Unfortunately my tonsils are regular size so I can't brag ;-)

Intense Guy said...

Just think of the yummy ice cream later - you do know the rules? Big tonsils means bigger bowl of ice cream...

...sounds like we need to get you a couple gallons...

Anonymous said...

You will feel a lot better when they are out, but only little kids get the free ice cream afterwards!


Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

good luck! on the plus side, you get to eat lots of ice cream!

Amy said...

Wow. Sorry to hear you have to have surgery, but happy to know you will be healthier and sleeping better once it's over!

And you get to eat lots of ice cream;)

Drama Guy Beind The Tie said...

Good luck with this appointment today!! I have gigantic tonsils too. My doctor said I should have them out but I guess it's not a standard proecedure any longer... and I HATE oral surgery! So I just ignore it and hope for the best! Ha! I wish you all the best!