Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hump Day Hangover

If you want to know what this is about click here.

It is a sad day here in Hump Day Land.

Though our year isn’t quite up, Leland and I are admitting defeat.

Having sex 700 times in one year was impossible for us. Though we think we gave it a good try, it just wasn’t possible for us to do. Hell, it may not be possible for anyone to do. Having that much sex was HARD.

We forced ourselves to do it even when we didn’t want to. We would spend days humping like rabbits just to try and catch up. But with only a month left and only having had sex 331 times, we aren’t going to try to fool ourselves into thinking that we can have sex 369 times in one month. So this is me admitting that we couldn’t do it.

But not for lack of trying….

My life has been one long string of impromptu decisions, and the decision to give this a try was made without any thought or planning. We just jumped in the sack and didn’t give it much thought. If only I knew then what I know now…..

Now I know that having sex 2 times a day really is difficult, and if we want to be successful we really need to get a good start. Last February we started and then a week later Leland went out of town for work. If this is going to work, there can be no getting behind, we have to stay ahead of the game.

I also know that after a few months, I will get bored, so to keep it exciting, we need more rules that just to have sex twice a day. I think now we need a sort of checklist. You know, places to do it, positions we want to try, that sort of thing. That way when it does get boring, and it will, we will have some fun and different things to try.

And being so stressed about it didn’t work for us either. Though reaching 700 was the ultimate goal, having our sex be strictly about the goal wasn’t fun either. If I knew then what I know now, I would be more focused on the sex than the number.

There are a lot of reasons that the challenge didn’t work out. Lack of planning, a broken pelvis, the worlds worst yeast infection, Leland’s traveling…..I could go on and on, but I know you don’t want to hear about that.

All you really want to hear is that now that I know all of these things we are going to try again.

And we are. Of course we are!

If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.

So as of Saturday, January 22, we are starting over.

We have a position of the day book.

We have a good sex bible.

We have everything we learned in the last year.

And after a long sex break, we will be back in the habit in a few days.


Anonymous said...

If your husband ever complains about need to kick his ass from here to kingdom come (yes that was a pun). I would never be able to do what you are doing. I'm good for about twice a month. That's just been my libido for over a decade now.

Get on with your bad self sista!

jv726 said...

If at first you don't succeed; try, try again :) If anything I am glad you are trying again so I can read the stories that come out of this! :)
Good luck!!

Gail Dixon said...

Well, I commend you for trying. I love having sex with my husband, but I don't want to even attempt 700 times in one year. We've been married 20 years and I'm wondering if we've even had sex that many times... Anyway, looking forward to more of your posts about it!

Aubrey S. said...

This should be interesting.

Macey said...

Having that much sex was HARD.



Liz Mays said...

Really? I'd sooner die!

kristi said...

Two or three times a week for us, not bad for 16 years of marriage and 2 kids!

Elle said...

There is no shame in admitting defeat. I admire you for even attempting such an endeavor in the first place, AND for getting back on the horse (so to speak). ;-)

Coffeypot said...

Having sex 700 times in on year is not that difficult...unless you throw in a partner to have it with, too. Then it is impossible.

foxy said...

Get to humpin' girl... and let us in on any great position or place that you find along the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed with how much sex you had given that you broke your pelvis and were out of business with that infection.

Also, I was thinking what Mimi said.

Salt said...

Frankly, I'm impressed that you were able to do it that much! Kudos to you, friend! And good luck on the second try. I think you guys can do it. :)

Vodka Logic said...

I laughed at that line too Mimi... I wish I had half, hell a quarter of the sex you had. Bravo.

Here's to a healthier and sexier new year for everyone.

Cool Gal said...

Good lord that is a lot of sex! I can't imagine humping that much. You husband is one lucky man. I know someone who only has sex twice a YEAR with her husband. Do you suppose there's a problem???

Good luck!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL Dark Mother and I have the same libido. :)

You'd better watch it! Leland is going to poke a little fun at you and you're going to take him seriously, then you'll be pushing a baby carriage! :D

Unknown said...

my husband would be happy with 100 days a year! lol no harm in admitting this defeat---you guys did great!

Organic Meatbag said...

wow... pretty damn impressive...I wish I had kept a talley of how many times my wife and I had sex in our first year would have been a very impressive figure... I thought my penis was going to win some kind of award that year...

Well good luck and we'll all be following to see how well you do this year!

Intense Guy said...

Yes! That's the spirit! Get back on the horse (..err...) and try again! Consider this past year "training" ... like for the Olympics!

I'm laffin' at Coffeepot's comment.


McVal said...

Or rather, back in the saddle... :)

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

Another year, a new attempt to reach your sexy goal. Good luck!!

Cathy said...

You crazy kids....I am impressed you're going to try it again, and honestly, I have no doubt that you will succeed this time. Happy humping!

Sara said...

I applaud your commitment to excellence.

Also, I have a copy of the Kama Sutra should you want me to look anything up for you.

Just saying.

lil desiqua said...

Hahah I'm glad you have the tools (and energy!) to try again!

Also, I would like to pass on the 'Versatile Blogger' award to you. You have an awesome blog and I feel you are very worthy of this award. Details of what to do are on my blog....Congrats!
Dani aka LilDesiqua

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

With mine & Johns schedules we are lucky to have sex 3 times a week. But, from what I hear my friends say that's alot for a married couple. I can't imagine twice a day...I wouldn't be able to walk!

StarTraci said...

The great thing about setting goals so high is that even if you fail, you get a lot done -- even with travel, yeast, and a bum pelvis, you averaged once a day, not too bad! Mostly, I think that says that your marriage and staying sexy matters. A LOT! So keep bringing the sexy back and good luck!


Carma Sez said...

ah, so you are trying again - I knew you wouldn't be able to claim complete defeat on this one. you still did waaaaaaay better than most couples - have fun re-upping again!!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Hubby were that way until I got pregnant the first time he went from at least twice a day to a 4 month dry spell while I heaved in the toilet every night. Good luck!!!

Mandy said...

I love your can-do attitude! A new year can make a difference! Now go hump your brains out like rabbit but do it b/c you want to and enjoy it. I wish you both a lot of luck!


The Random Blogette said...

Make sure to pee before and after! My Gyno told me that and I have not had any "issues", although we rarely have sex so that could be something to do with it too! I know, we are lame! But good luck this year!