Having been dealt a horrible hand in his short little life, so many of you helped Leland and I come to his rescue. We raised nearly $900 for his hip surgery. Because of all of you awesome bloggers out there, random friends and family, and some people I have never met before, Shorty was given a second chance.
When we first put him in our car and took him along with us for a ride, he was a quiet, cuddly dog. Though he was playful, he couldn't really do that much playing with a bum hip. After his surgery, everything changed. Though at first he looked like this after the surgery:

he bounced back quickly and was soon running all over the place. Our friend Joe, who has given him a permanent home, picked him up a few days after the surgery. At first Shorty was going to stay with us until his stitches were removed, but it ended up working out for the better that Joe took him when he did. You see, a few days after the surgery was when I broke my pelvis. There was no way Leland was going to be able to handle taking care of two of us who needed constant care!
Shorty LOVES Joe and loves playing and getting into trouble. Now that he is feeling so much better, he has WAY more attitude than he did when we found him. Joe is having fun with him, and I am sure Shorty is having fun with Joe. They have become best buddies. A few weeks ago Leland and I went to Joe's place to visit with him and Shorty. At one point Leland and Joe left to pick up some beer and I was left there with Shorty. Shorty sat and looked out the back sliding glass door the ENTIRE TIME Joe was gone. As soon as he saw Joe pull his truck into the driveway, he starting wagging and whining. He just could not wait to see Joe again.
The doctor says that Shorty is healing well, his muscle is developing at a good rate, and he is basically as good as new. Thank you so much to all of you who helped make this possible. It means more to me than you could ever know.
And I know it means a lot to Shorty.
Check out this post for all of the details on Shorty.
awww hes so cute!! im glad he found a good home, xxxoo
I'm so happy to hear that he's doing so much better and has a happy loving home now.
That is so wonderful!! I am so happy for Shorty and for Joe.
Such great news.
I had wondered about him! Glad everything turned out so well.
yay! I'm so glad to hear it!!! Bless all your hearts for helping him out :-) I wondered how he was doing!
If only there were more people like you and Leland and Joe in the world...
I was going to ask you about him! Thanks for the update! It is so great to hear when people help animals that are in distress. You did good!
That's awesome! I'm glad Joe and Shorty are doing well! Shorty was so lucky you and Leland took him in:)
Just the other day I was thinking about Shorty! I was going to ask you about him, but promptly forgot, so I'm super glad to see this post.
It's fabulous to hear that Shorty is doing so well! It's amazing how resilient dogs can be with a little love and caring. He's got a whole new wonderful life thanks to you! :-)
Awwww! This makes me so happy! Yay for Shorty and his wonderful new life! And huge hugs to you and Leland for being so kind and generous!
Glad he got a second chance thatnks to y'alls generosity!
Awwww! I was JUST wondering how Shorty was doing! So glad he found a human to love him! :)
It's wonderful that he has become so attached to Joe and that it's a loving home for him!
I'm glad he's doing well and found a good home!
This is just one of those ubber special stories! Thanks for the update!
He sure looks cuddly. I think I am more of a dog person every day.
This community of bloggers is amazing. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
So happy Shorty is healthy and thriving!
I'm so glad he's doing well! I heard he has turned into a bit of a dick since he got better :) I can't believe I haven't met him yet! I need to get out there and see him (and go on Joe's stripper pole)
That is so awesome!! Glad they found each other!
He's a definite cutie and sounds like he's at his peak and having fun.
Glad to hear the surgery and recovery went well for him.
What a great ending to what could have been so tragic. You are truely wonderful people...Joe too. :)
AWE!! Glad he found y'all and he was given a second chance & a home that loves him!!!
This post made me cry...good tears!
& your comment on my last post cracked me UP!!! You are to sweet.
So glad he's doing so well! Love a happy ending.
What a cutie! That one picture, his hip is looking so red and sore. YEOWCH! Poor thing.
I'm so glad he's feeling good and with someone who obviously loves him to pieces!
Great news! A happy ending :)
Hurray for Shorty, Joe, Leland and Yankee Girl!!!
Gotta love a happy ending!
Awwwwww he is such a little sweetheart! I'm so glad there is a happy ending to his story. :)
Awwwwwww.... YAY! Oh, how i love a happy ending!!
Every animal deserves someone to love and care about them (as who else loves us as unconditionally as they do?) -- so happy this little guy found you!
Good thoughts for a continued recovery and many happy years with his new, loving family!
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
Latest post: My 'Five Shaggable' celebrity list.
I love a good recovery story! I'm glad Shorty found his way to Joe (and health) through you!
It is absolutely amazing that you and Leland picked up this pup and put the word out there to get the help he needed.
I love stories this story and I love the person you are for taking the time to help Shorty. Good karma heading your way, love:)
How sweet of you guys to take him under your wing. Looks like he's going to live a long, healthy life.
happy to hear all ended well.
That picture of Shorty after surgery is just sooooo sad! Poor guy! I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so well! And loving his new home and owner! He definitely earned it!
I'm that person that watches Dances with Wolves and won't bat an eye at all the people being killed but loses it when they shoot at the wolf and kill his horse.
I am an animal lover, and this makes my heart happy.
You are a lovely lady and that dog now has a good life because of you.
May no dog ever shit on your lawn again.
Thanks for the update! So glad he found a loving home and caring foster parents (Leland and Ally) :)
Dude. I'm glad I bloggy-stalked you because I was just thinking about this little guy and wondering how he was doing.
I guess I missed this post but I'm glad that I saw it now!
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