Today is my one year anniversary with Leland. I cannot believe it has been a year. I cannot believe that we have been together for 7 years total. The time has flown by and I have enjoyed every minute. Okay, not every minute. No one enjoys every minute. But I have enjoyed most of them.
Here are a few of the things I have learned in this first year of marriage:
1. Leland is right most of the time. Being the more logical of the two of us, this makes sense. However,
2. Do not, under any circumstances, admit that your partner is usually right. He will use this against you whenever possible.
3. No matter how many times I ask him not to, Leland will boil birdy remains on the stove in an effort to collect its skeleton. Said boiling birdy remains will make my house stink for hours.
4. Even men have "ugly" days. I always thought this was strictly a girl thing, but Leland proved me wrong. Because of his ugly day, I realized how annoying it must be for him when I complain about the way I look. I only had to deal with him on this day for 15 minutes and I wanted to smack him around. I can only imagine how he feels when he spends entire days with me while I'm down on myself. I'm now trying to keep my ugly days to an absolute minimum.
5. Everything is actually ours. Yes, I bought the motorcycle for both of us to use, but I never imagined that he would be the one to get the kudos for it. I know it's silly for me to be jealous whenever anyone tells him how cool it is, but it bothers me sometimes. This whole "what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine thing" is hard to get used to.
6. We can go out and have fun with friends, or take weekend trips, but I always have most fun with Leland when we are home alone, making dinner, drinking wine and dancing in the kitchen.
7. One year ago today, I thought I was celebrating the happiest day of my life. I had no idea that every day we are together would become the happiest day of my life.

This is such a sweet post! Happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! Wonderful pictures and I agree, what a sweet post :-)
Aww, happy one year!!
Happy Anniversary! What nice sentiments.
Your hubs would be thrilled with the bird remains I discovered in my yard just this morning. How ironic. (If ironic means scary and gross.)
I love #s 6 and 7. What a sweet post.
Enjoy your special day!
It is a good thing Leland does NOT read your blog so he will NOT know that you think he is always right. (MB would kill for me to say that ;-) or to let him boil birds-kidding about the second)
You both look absolutely smitten in your wedding photos. And you are positively glowing. Love the daisies in your hair.
I'm glad to have gotten to know you both through blogging.
Happy Anniversary! Love your Superior Snaps...
Happy Anniversary to the couple that gives us all hope that the real thing is out there
Hey, we have the same anniversary. Today is my seventh and I told my husband that I'm expecting an itch any minute now! Congrats girl.
It's great your so happy together - long may it continue!
Normal people have ugly days? I thought it was only us depressive types...
Good morning Lovely!
This is the sweetest, most awesome post. I must say, you continue to rock my world with each additional post!
I believe Leland is also probably the luckiest boy in the world (except for maybe my boy, but we can share the title of "Most Awesomest, Don'cha Wish You Were My Friend"). :)
Sorry I've been out of it - what a weekend! But I'm back now and finished acting crazed. Well, for now. take care - thinking of you!
I LOVE your wedding pictures! You are such a pretty bride!
I left you an award on my blog!
Awww :)
Happy anniversary!!
Congrats on your wonderful day. SOunds like you two are still crazy in love.
Just stopping by from SITS! Have a great day.
Happy Anniversary darling, wishing you and Leland a lifetime of healthy, happy and loads of wealthy years together.
Duchess xx
happy anniversary! i loved ur post it was so sweet! have fun catching up on true blood, im jealous- my boyfriend and i made a pact to watch it together and he has to work tonight! suspenseee haha.
Happy Anniversary! I love this post. It's so sweet that you can look back on your first year of marriage and have such wonderful insights into your relationship. I'll try to remember to do the same in October. It's so cool that we're floating along in such similar boats. We'll have to get together with the guys sometime. Cheers doll!
The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.
I will be honoured if you accept the award I am presenting to you by copy and pasting it on your blog.
Awww! That's a wonderful post! And, I love #2, very funny.
Visiting from SITS
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