Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking

I'm barely vertical today. Leland and I have been sleeping in the same bed for 4 years and there are times when I think we are finally getting used to sleeping together. Then there are times like last night and the night before when he totally invades my space and steals the covers. I feel like we have never shared a bed before. In his defense, we have the worlds smallest bed. I don't think it was ever made to sleep two people. At least two adult people anyway. We always talk about buying a new bed, but then we realize that those cost money. And right now we don't have a lot of extra money. So we continue to sleep in our small bed and Leland occasionally pushes me off the bed or elbows me in the face. Last night I woke up with his arm laying across my face, covering my mouth and nose.

I used to move to the bed in the guest bedroom when he was acting up in his sleep. But then I guess I got too comfortable there and I realized I just stopped trying to sleep with Leland. I would spend more time sleeping in the guest bedroom than I did sleeping in my bed. About 3 or 4 months ago I moved back into my room and made a decision to stick it out. Even if that meant not sleeping. Or having to fight back and push Leland off the bed.


Melissa said...

You know what!?!?! When people ask me "what's the hardest part about adjusting to being married" I ALWAYS say "sharing a bed and learning to sleep together for nights at a time". Because honestly, no part of "adjusting" to living together/being married was more difficult, painful, and on-going as sharing a bed. Although we did finally just get two comforters (which helped like a million!). We also managed to get down to only one dog in the bed, which is the smallest dog, so that's a lot better now too. But there are still nights when he's just all up in my business all night... I hear ya. And I'm not certain a larger bed would work actually... he'd still sometimes get all flopping-arms at me. :) Happy Wednesday, here's to a better night sleep tonight!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I didn't have to get use to sleeping with my hubs when we got married. Having 8 siblings I always shared a bed. It was his snoring I had to get use to!1 After more then 21 years of marriage It still bothers me at times.

Hope you get a better nights rest tonight!!!!

Intense Guy said...

First I want to thank you for your comment you left at my blog. I was very moved by it.

I actually sleep on a sofa - so maybe I'm in training for the day when I either sleep in a bed with someone - or end up back on the sofa since I'm in the doghouse with them. :)

Funny thing is, the guest room in my place actually has a bigger bed in it.

Penelope said...

I'm having one of those days too, but it's because the weather here is humid and muggy (thunderstorms).

Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm a yankee too, and a SITS girl.

Anonymous said...

If you can, invest in a bed that you can share comfortably. Otherwise, it will be like this for a LONG time. It took Hubby and me a LONG time, until we could afford a good bed, to be able to sleep well together. He still falls asleep watching movies on the couch half the time....

But going without sleep plays tricks on your brain. I had insomnia from anxiety a couple of years ago. Be careful with that!

Carma Sez said...

Best advice my friend ever gave me was to get a King size bed. It has saved me from many restless nights...

Plus does distance make the heart grow fonder, because we now have plenty of distance between us on the bed!