Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Don't Understand Technology

These days people can talk on a phone that is the size of a credit card. On this said phone, they can also check their email, look up travel times, google who first came up with the rules of the road, and anything else their little heart desires. The technology of a cell phone has been around for about a decade. Cell phones with computers on them are relatively new, but people still rely on them for so many things.

Here is what I don't understand: If we can put so much information into a tiny little phone and it actually works then why oh why can't manufacturers make a water heater that lasts longer than six months? That's right, I am about to buy a new water heater because my 6 month old water heater already broke. If Apple and Microsoft can do so many awesome things with technology, why are water heater manufacturers having such a hard time making a product that works? Especially since water heaters are not new technology! I just don't understand.


MARZ said...

They's called PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE. they can make a water heater that lasts twenty years. but where's the $$$ in that? This trend started around the time of the great depression to help boost sales. You gotta buy more because, well, you literally have to buy more...

as for these phones, sure, they can do a lot, but think about it...they dont last long...if someone has a phone over a year it's considered ancient :-p

but i feel your pain!


Intense Guy said...

Surely the hot water heater had a 5 or 10 year warrenty on it...

6 months isn't really typical.

I had a hot water heater break on me... left my floor covered with steaming hot water and ruined about 20 yards of dry wall. :(

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

That kinda soon for it to be going out......but then again what do I know. I don't understand technology, either.

yellowdoggranny said...

and if they can make a phone that does all those things why don't I have my jet pack by now?...we should all be zipping along with our little jet packs and not have cars..