Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Have Been Lost....In a Good Book

For the past few weeks, I have been doing something I haven’t done in a really long time. I have been reading books.

I canceled my Facebook page and found I had all of this extra time to do some reading. And then once I started reading, I just couldn’t stop, so my blog was put on hold as well. Now I need to figure out how to balance reading and blogging. Because I like to do both and would like to be able to do both.

Right now I am reading Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search and Rescue Dog by Susannah Charleson. For all of you dog/animal lovers out there, it is a must read. It’s funny and heartwarming and has even made me allow my dog Bacchus to lay in bed with Leland and I on occasion.

I just finished reading all of the Dragon Tattoo books by Steig Larsson. Loved them.

I have been reading some Jennifer Weiner chick lit, as well as some really bad books I checked out from the library. I love the library. Did you know you can rent books there for free????? For so long I was spending so much money buying books. I used to spend about $150 a month on books.

But not anymore.

The library is saving me so much money!

I will be heading back to the library tonight with hopes of finding a few more books that are worthy of my attention. I am sure I will leave with an armful.


Anonymous said...

I love Jennifer Weiner and I'm about to start reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo myself.

Just Jen said...

OMG! You need to join

I have saved over $50 there and I have only been a member for like 6 months. If you join, say that 'Jenne' sent you!!

I am rereading VC Andrews right now, along with a book called 'Couples who pray". I love to read.

A good friend of mine has a book coming out on April 1st. It is called The Twin Prophecies: Rebirth. here is the website:

Cathy said...

I've been reading lately too. I just finished the Hunger Games trilogy. Have you read them? I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

You should check out

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Weiner is my absolute favorite author! She is hilarious! I have read every book of hers except two. Enjoy!

foxy said...

Oh man, what a good way to be spending your time! Girl the the Dragon Tattoo is sitting on my nightstand right now just waiting to be read. It's the first in line after all the pregnancy/childbirth books I've been reading. And boy am I ever ready for that change!!

Jen Majors Yoga said...

so glad you are back, missed reading your posts! hopefully you can balance both. i need to do that also except when i get busy it's usually my reading that takes the back seat.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I too have just gone back to the library because I am beyond broke.
I am on a damn waiting list for most everything I look for and I live in a city of millions of people. IS everyone reading the same books???

Yea for ridding yourself of FB. I applaud that big time!!

I have to run out now and get that book on the search and rescue dog...sounds great! THX

Liz Mays said...

I love using the library as a resource. They pretty much have everything even if you have to get on a waitlist first.

McVal said...

Cool! I just gave my husband a Kindle yesterday for his birthday and he loves it! You can download books for free from libraries for that too.
Good for you!

Intense Guy said...



Nice to see a "fellow dog lover" after so many "cat blogs!"

...not that there is anything wrong with cats... they just aren't dogs!

Sounds like you've been "content" of late - and I'm happy to hear that! And did you know books are portable? when spring finally gets here.. you can take them outside and read them .. just about anywhere!

Hope you and Leland are well - its been a rough winter.

Anonymous said...

When I left FB people freaked out and I ended up reactivating my account. I just don't go on there as much. It is a time suck.

I'm a bookaholic. If you join Goodreads let me know.

Carma Sez said...

This is such a positive development :D :D reading is good. I don't do enough of it. And yes, facebook and blogging = incredible time suck

Unknown said...

i do not have a computer at home...which leaves lots of time to read...yet I turn on the tv instead. Meh.

I did start reading Lovely Bones, want to read before I see the far, I really like the book.

yellowdoggranny said...

2 recommendations by the same author..
the name of the wind first..and then
the wise man fears i think is the second just came out..brand new..came out #1 on best sellers list..both by Patrick Rothfuss..these are yaftas..

Coffeypot said...

I read a lot too. But I am retired so I have time for both reading and blogging. Lucky me! As for reading material, the family swapps books and Judy swaps books at her office.

Jane said...

I saw that they were making The Lincoln Lawyer into a movie so I read the book. And now I'm working my way through all of Michael Connelly's books. But I love courtroom, Grisham-esque stuff.

Dee said...

I love the Dragon Tattoo series! I've been reading a lot lately too, and just started going to the library lol. I love Harlan Coben and James Patterson, try them out sometime!

Anonymous said...

I bought the Dragon Girl books months ago and still haven't even cracked it open. The only thing I've been reading is my Marketing Textbook. :(

The Random Blogette said...

I so need to find a good book to read. I don't even know the last time that I sat down and read a book. I am so jealous.

Kim said...

Welcome back! I missed you! :)

I love a good book! And like you I'm horrible at balancing a good book or a reading binge with the rest of my life! I was up the other night until 2:30 in the morning bc I absolutely had to finish what I was reading! I was exhausted the next day! I've read a couple of Jennifer Weiner's books and like them too. I need to pick up some of her newers ones bc I haven't read her in a while. I'm really into the murder mystery books right now and love trying to guess who the killer is! I need to start going to the library for my books too, I usually do the used book store since new books are sooooo expensive but the library would be even cheaper!

And ummm how did you cancel your Facebook page?! I am totally addicted to mine!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good book. Have a great day ;)

Macey said...

Just finished the Steig Larsson series.
Since you love animals, do you like books that are written from the animal's perspective? There's one called The Art of Racing in the Rain, and it's EXCELLENT!
Also Firefly Lane is good, it's a chick lit too.

Cool Gal said...

Good for you. I really need to read more. I finished a book in December called "The Help." Loved it. The one I recently started, I haven't picked up in awhile.

You have inspired me.