(Ok, neither of us really think he is the greatest man alive, we just joke about it.)
Though I do think he is pretty awesome most of the time.
Today is Leland’s birthday. He is 30.

He is having a hard time with his whole turning 30 business, so I thought I would come to all of you for help.
Please leave me comments telling Leland about at least one awesome thing about being in your 30’s. And if you aren’t 30 yet, let Leland know what you are looking forward to when you get there.
Happy birthday!
30 isn't so bad. Just think how awkward and hard your 20's were. You go to college, you graduate, and then what? In your 20's you're trying to figure out what to do with your life. In your 30's you have a much better sense of who you are, and have more life experience than you did in your 20s. Enjoy it! And remember the good thing is that you don't look 30!
Sex = Dirty Thirties.
Need I say more?
1. You are not 40!!
LuLu has a point. I've lived in 6 different places since I turned 20 and all of them have contributed to the ever present twitch in my ass.
I'm pretty sure your insurance goes down. Is that true, or did I make that up? If that's made up then I probably need to start driving better.
I freaked out when I turned 29 and was fine by 30 :-) It's just a number, that's all.
You're less dumb in your 30s than your 20s ;-)
Let's see.....hangovers hurt worse, no that isn't it. Body starts sagging, nope not that. Music seems louder, no can't be that. Hair starts growing out your nose..nope not it. Just kidding!
Dude, you are 30 and having sex with your lady like you are about 22, it doesn't get better than that!
The best thing is you over 30 years younger than me...kid.
Happy Birthday Leland!!!
Being over thirty means no one trusts ya anymore... and you are 20 years younger than me.
Age is what you feel - not a number... and you must feel like I did when I was 17 to be as horny as you are!!
Ok, seriously? NOTHING WRONG WITH 30! (I am 34) Besides, 30 is the new 20! Happy Birthday, Leland!
Happy Birthday!
When I was in my 30s... I didn't groan when standing up from the couch. I slept better. My kids were younger and obeyed me better than they do now. I had more money
and I was less than 40...
The 30s will be great for yoU!
I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday Leleand!!
One awesome thing about being in your 30's? You're not 40! Or 50! Or dead...
Leland and The Pit are almost birthday twins!! The Pit turned 26 on December 26th. He's been a crotchety bastard ever since.
Dear Leland,
You are old. So old.
I don't really know what to tell you.
When I am old, like you, I will enjoy shaking canes at people and going to restaurants for super early dinners.
Good thing you have an amazing wife to keep you young. Otherwise, there isn't much hope.
It's all colonoscopies and cataracts for you, Sir.
Happy Birthday Leland!
I just turned 39 and ............. I love it! I decided awhile ago to embrace it instead of shunning it and now I look forward to each year. I know it sounds crazy. I geuss I always wanted to be older when I was a kid and now as I quickly approach 40 I just enjoy Life and say fuck the number. What really matters is how you live it. We can convince outselves of anything. Saying things like "I can't do that........... 30 is so old.....I'm so stupid.....". You'd be surprised what stopping saying it does or even saying "I love being 30, bring on 31!"
Happy Birthday!
My 30s were rife with anxiety and insecurity. 40 is really where it's at! That being said, it's all about your attitude and if you think it's going to suck, it will. Any day this side of the dirt is a good one!
Happy belated Birthday Leland! Happy New Year, you crazy fuckers!
Happy 30th Birthday to Leland!!! Now that he's 30 he doesn't have to sress turning 30 anymore! Plus a birthday is a reason to have everyone do everything for you! And tell you how wonderful you are!
Happy Birthday Leland!
The best thing about 30 is having 10 more years till you turn 40.
Happy Birthday Leland! In your 30's, the sex gets better. And I promise I'm not just saying that! It will just keep getting better! :-) Now go enjoy some with your sexy, fun wife!
Leland, I'm in my 40s...42 to be exact, and my 30s were fantastic because I really discovered who I was. And quite honestly, getting older only means I get smarter. Seriously. Hope this doesn't sound too preachy, but cheers you up a little...?
I am far beyond my thirties so I agree with Margaret - be damn glad it isn't 45.
Happy Birthday old fart. It's all down hill from here. LOL :) Coming from the other Yankee Girl who will be 31 in a few weeks.
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