Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Minute...It's All I Can do to Keep Up!

After a fabulous weekend with Leland, I am sitting at work and trying like hell to be productive but it just isn’t working. All I want to do it go home and continue having fun with my husband. But since I am stuck at work, here’s the Monday Minute from Christy.

1. What’s for dinner tonight?
I have no idea. I will most likely get home from the gym and then whip something up. It will probably include shrimp because that is the only meat I am really enjoying these days (other than my obsession with ribs, but they take too long to make for a weeknight) and maybe some peppers and pasta noodles. Or maybe I’ll make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

2. Have you even been stung by a bee or wasp?
I am sure I have, I just don’t really remember.

3. What time do you go to sleep every evening?
During the week I try to be in bed by 10 and sleeping by 11. I do not function well on less than 6 hours of sleep and I always aim to get at least 7. I am a way more pleasant person when I get at least 7 hours of sleep. On the weekends, I go to sleep anywhere between midnight and 2am. I prefer going to sleep as close to midnight as possible.

4. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip. The green kind. I love the artificial coloring!

5. If you could have one power, what would it be?
To slow down time. Everything goes by so quickly.


Intense Guy said...

I am :) because you and Leland are back on track once more.



Hmm... ribs sound good....

The Random Blogette said...

Hellz yeah to some mint chocolate chip!!! My absolute fave too!

McVal said...

OOH!!! LOVES me the mint choco chip ice cream!!!!

Amy said...

Ohhhh, I love that last one! Everything does go by too quickly;(

Glad you and Leland had a nice weekend:)

Anonymous said...

I want the power to be require less sleep. I'm dragging today.

lil desiqua said...

ONLY the green kind! That's my motto too! Nice blog!

Shell said...

Mmm, shrimp! We haven't had that in along time!

I need at least 8 hours to feel human. Rarely happens, though.

Macey said...

Don' tyou hate that question about what's for dinner? I hate it.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I love green mint chocolate chip too. We have some in the freezer!

Anonymous said...

My sleep requirements vary.
I LOVE Mint Chocolate Chip too!
Soup and Grilled cheese sounds awesome.

Cristy said...

My husband and I do grilled cheese and soup all the time! We do tomato soup and it's YUMMMY!

Salt said...

Artificial coloring makes everything better. Mint chocolate chip is the best!

Carma Sez said...

My husband would agree with you on the ice cream choice. He never wants to get anything but MCC...

Frugal Vicki said...

The last two are my exact answers! I love mint chocolate chip, and I would LOVE to slow time down as well!