1. Who is your "what-if" person?
Dave. Friends since 4th grade, Dave was my first love. We were super tight, always there for each other, shared a locker in high school, always had each other's backs. But it seemed the only time he wanted me was when I was in a relationship with someone else. A few months after Leland and I moved in together he asked me to leave Leland and be with him. When I told Leland this all he said was "can you blame him? You're awesome." A month before Leland and I got married Dave and I were slow dancing at another friend's wedding. He told me I was the most beautiful person in the room, he said he loved me and he has always loved me...then he asked me not to get married. I gave him a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and then left to find Leland and go home. Of course I married Leland. There was never any question. When I told Leland what happened he said that he felt sorry for him, but was happy for himself because I was making him the luckiest man in the world. Dave and I are still friends. Leland still likes Dave. But sometimes I wonder what things would have been like if Dave wanted me when I was single and in love with him.
2. What is your nickname?
Well, my name is Alyson but people rarely call me that. I hear Al and Aly more than anything, Leland and Siren call me Alycakes or just Cakes, and sometimes Leland calls me Sweet Pea or Asbestos. Yes, that's right, my husband's nickname for me is a poisonous chemical. That's ok, I sometimes call him Fungi.
3. If you could choose how you died, how would you like to die?
When I am really old, sleeping in Leland's arms.
4. If you could have named yourself, which name would you have picked?
I have no idea. I think I make a very good Al.
5. Who were you named after or for what reason did your parents choose your name?
My middle name is Louise. After my grandmother.
That is sweet that Leland understands your friend so well!
I'll just call you Al! (singing this...)
I think it's important for every girl to have a Dave in her history, someone she loved but walked away from for somebody awesome. Nice post!
I love Leland's response about Dave.
And I lovelovelove your answer to #3.
The answer to #1 is so sweet!! Sounds like you ended up with the right guy!
Thanks for linking up!
If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me
You can call me Al
Call me Al....
I bet you know that fungi can be pronounced "Fun Guy". :)
I've been in Dave's shoes... oh well... Missed that exit on the interstate of life a long time ago.
I hope #3 comes true... but not for years and years and years from now.
I love how Leland reacted to Dave being in love with you!
Leland sounds like such a great guy! I love how confident men are. He wasn't intimated by this other guy, he just thought "well yeah, why wouldn't someone adore my wife? She's perfect!"
Nice you have a what if guy. I really don't. Nice that Leland could understand and be confident enough to understand about Dave.
I love #1, especially that Leland wasn't angry or anything, just that he knew what a catch he was getting in you!!
my daughter drew a picture of her "future" family (she's ten) and she had a son named Leland.
Leeland sounds awesome...I love it when a guy doesn't get all crazy jealous!
Wow, I'm really glad that I don't have a 'what if' person. But I enjoyed hearing about yours. Of course you married the right guy. He sure does love you. And I can understand why.
i like Al..a lot of my friends call me Jac...jac and al..sounds like a soul duo.
One and three are so sweet!! Also, what a story with number one, right?! :)
Nice that leland understands so well.. poor Dave but what a compliment.
Sleeping in Leland's arms...that's sweet!
Your answers are so great.
And it is completely awesome that Leland understood that you chose him and didn't get upset.
Awe, sweet but kinda sad story about Dave. You are lucky to have such an understanding man in Leland.
I love your nickname....alycakes....oh and asbestos...too funny!
Maybe I'm hormonal today, but your answer to #1 made me tear up a little bit. Your husband sounds like such an amazing guy and I love how precious you are to him. :)
I had the same type of friend, always wanted me when I was with someone else!
Dave sure missed the boat. Is he married now?
Asbestos? I think I like Sweet Pea better!
asbestos?? that's amazing! you should call him "soylent green" or something. he might just love it.
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