I have a lot of friends. Some of them are scattered around the country, some of them live close. Most of them are guys. Though I am usually always surrounded by people, I only have one girlfriend who lives nearby. Rachel is over at least 2 nights each week. She is a fixture in my house. She is a member of my wolf pack. When I broke my pelvis she sat with me on every one of her days off of work. We have boxed wine nights together which consist of us drinking an entire box of wine, getting shit faced and telling funny stories. She comes over every Sunday for True Blood nights. Yeah, she drives me nuts sometimes, but I love her and am so happy to have her in my life.
On June 1st Rachel left for a three month trip to Greece.
For this whole summer I have been without my sidekick. We were the Gruesome Twosome, the Dynamic Duo. She was always there to get me out of a jam. And for the past two months I’ve had to go it alone.
This doesn’t sound very feel good, does it? Just wait….
Occasionally I would get a mass email she sent to everyone updating people on her whereabouts and adventures. Every once in a while I would get a quick message on FB saying something generic like “miss you!” I didn’t really feel jilted because I know she is an ocean away, but I was sure she didn’t miss me as much as I miss her.
And then yesterday I got an email from her. She needed my advice on something so I sent a reply. This morning I got this back from her:
You are truly my BFF, life partner, and person,
Thank you so much for everything that you said. I needed it so much and I miss you more than you know. And it is the same for me, every time that I get something from you it makes me want to cry (but I don't because I'm like that and always in public) I miss you guys sooooo much. And you had better keep all of the True Blood episodes because I NEED to see them! LOL, and the boxed wine night will be right off the bat! I will have to stop by when I get back in the states! Count on it!
All my love,
See? She does miss me as much as I miss her. And that makes me feel good. It’s good to be missed.