Friday, March 12, 2010

The Anti-Post

I am still sick. I plan on watching stupid movies all day long. Leland says I need to drink an ass load of water. Yes, an ass load. That is what he said.

So I am going to lay on the couch, watch stupid movies, and drink an ass load of water.

What are your plans for the day?


Dollface said...

Working in the rain :( xxxooo

Mandy said...

You poor thing -- I'm sorry you're still sick. How miserable You just need to SLEEP. Take some drowsy medication and sleep the day away. When I'm really sick, the only thing that makes me feel better is lots and lots of rest.

Hugs and hang in there!

As for me, I am relaxing now and drinking tea. B/c later on I plan to jog two miles with Vivian and then finish a book I started reading.

Hope you feel better soon!

Megan said...

Whenever I'm sick, I usually drink orange juice and I feel like that helps me a lot. If I'm having stomach issues, I'll drink ginger ale instead. But definitely keep your fluids up!

I'm at work, so part of me is jealous you're sick. :P But I hope you feel better soon!

jv726 said...

Sorry you are still sick, that sucks. At least you don't have to work? (Which is what I am doing Hope you feel better soon!

nope said...

Exactly how much is an ass load? I guess it depends on the ass?

Laundry and cleaning my son's fish tank. woo-hoo. Hope you feel better soon!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

An ass load of water does help when you are sick. Promise!

Cathy said...

What stupid movies are you watching?? I like to say "shit ton", but ass load is excellent too. My plans for they day are to pretend to work, then maybe go to a movie....if there's anything good playing.

JenJen said...

Yes! Stupid movies! Idiocracy! Role Models! Anything with Chuck Norris...especially if the flick he's in went straight to DVD.

Feel better, girl!

Anonymous said...

An assload of water sounds appetizing! LOL!

I hope you feel better soon! I have to go get blood drawn today (YAY!) Then we are having Dr Seuss night at my daughters school!

Have a nice wekend! What movies are you watching??

Kim said...

I hope you feel better! I feel your pain, my cold is kicking my ass! Lucky you though, I wish I was laying on the couch watching movies all day! I have to host a playdate...blah!

Vodka Logic said...

I think your plans sound great actually. I have cold and I am tired.

We are seeing Train this evening. Should be fun

Intense Guy said...

I plan to go to the standards of weights and measures (The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from the French le Système international d'unités)) and get "ass load" put on the list of standards.

Your ass is going to be famous!

...and I hope its owner feels better soonest.

Taylor-Made Wife said...

work. I'd almost rather be just kidding God, please don't make me sick! Sorry your still feeling dumpy. Go get a steriod shot in your butt. That alsways helps me,

Anonymous said...

that's my kind of day, minus the whole being sick part ;-)

get better soon!!!

aladdinsane12 said...

i just got a free rental from redbox and felt that i needed to get something (because it's free- come on!) and i ended up getting the "time traveler's wife" which i desperately do NOT want to watch. maybe i'll just return it...

feel better!!

foxy said...

I only wish those were my plans for the day. I may join you on the ass load of water though. And ass load is kind of like a butt ton, right?


Bummer you're still sick. Seems like every nasty sickness going around this year just lingers. Nyquil coma time?

Today I will also be drinking an assload of water, with the hopes it will eventually encourage the assload of water already present in my swollenass ankles to get the hell out.

Feel better!!

Macey said...

I will be wrangling kids and drinking an assload of coffee. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I hope you feel better! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Drink yourself that ass-load of water and feel better.

I plan on doing a lot of work on a website I am building and getting it ready to promote. Drinking lots of coffee and listening to the rain.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I also need to drink an assload of water for the same reason. I can barely breathe through my nose. But I don't get to relax and rest. We have a lot to get done tonight and tomorrow.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Awww! Feel better girl!!! I think work is making me sick...cough...cough...yeah, I think it's time to quit.

RN Mama said...

I'm sick too:( Maybe I should drink an ass load of water too? It looks like you're still getting some sex in though!

Tracy said...

hugs. I hope you feel better soon.

yellowdoggranny said...

i celebrated my 5th year of blogging...

Anonymous said...

Being sick sucks. How's that for obvious? :) Hope you're feeling better soon!

Housewife Savant said...

I ate a buttload of low carb pasta. A butt load.

(Feel better soon!)

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure what I did on friday, but I know it didnt involve drugs so i have no excuse for not remembering...